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VIPlanet 1.0

VIPlanet VIPlanet 1.0

Screenshots of VIPlanet

VIPlanet Publisher's Description

Quick start:
- start VIPlanet
- press a button "Find data"
- input for example "Paris"
- a new table with all records containing word "Paris" will be open
- double click at any of rows in the table
- you will see a dialog with an info about selected city. You can enter a big memo-text for this city
- press a button "Point". You will see a dialog for a point of this city at the map.
- You can input a text with a spacial font and background color. This text will be shown near this city at the map.
- You can input a new text, that will be shown after spacial date (possible flashing)
- press a button "Info" near the country name.
- you will see a dialog with an info about country. You can enter a big memo-text for this country
How to see only special things from detailed geodata (for example only hotels) at the map:
- start VIPlanet
- drag a rectangle (using mouse), containing for example a part of Austria at the map
- close all other opened maps
- open the table "Feature codes" (menu "Tables")
- use menu Window / Tile to place two windows (map and table) tiled
- select in the table the rows you want to see at the map (for ex. "a primary administrative division of a country" or "a building providing lodging and/or meals for the public" for hotels)
- press a button "Refresh map"
- you can select a lot of rows in the table together

What's New in Version 1.0 of VIPlanet

No changes

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Educational Software > Education
This product is also listed in: Sales & Marketing Software


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